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Dorito Dick

When you are eating Doritios while masturbating and your penis gets Dorito dust all over it

Dude, I got the worst case of Dorito Dick last night. I was eating Doritos and watching TV when Wild Things came on. I looked down after the swimming pool scene and my dick looked like a 9 inch Cheeto.

by Harry Moe Lester February 27, 2015

253👍 12👎

Dorito Dick

When a man has an uncircumsized penis and is not particularly focused on hygiene. When foreskin is "rolled back" and the dick is revealed, it is cheesy and dirty and gross looking.

I don't think I could have sex with an uncut guy, I'd be too afriad of Dorito Dick.

by Smiley Wiley's whore August 16, 2006

77👍 263👎