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It's about smiling. Ear-to-ear smile or grin is when you have a very broad and generous smile. Such a smile when each corner of your mouth is by each of your ears.

Explain to me why you don't have an ear-to-ear grin right now.

by Mr. Peagram March 8, 2012

47👍 11👎

ear to ear

a cut from one ear to the mouth to the other ear, in other words a chelsea smile

the only way you'll see me smile is if you cut me ear to ear

by B-ri Myrders June 25, 2010

21👍 12👎

Cheesin' from ear to ear

Styling from head to toe
Excellent; wonderful

Man, that gerrrl be cheesin' from ear to ear

by The Chow Man October 21, 2004

4👍 21👎