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ego boost

sorry buddy, I don't just give those for free. tell you what, since i like you i'll give you a tip. search your name on urban dictionary, you're bound to find something to brighten your day. although if your name is becky, gunter, karen, chad or darel i wouldn't bother.

person 1: i'm sad
person 2: search your name for an ego boost

by who says I have a plan? July 19, 2020

19👍 10👎

ego boost

something you deserve to have

damn i need an ego boost, i should go talk to my friends

by Sossololpipi February 18, 2022

2👍 4👎

Ego Boost

The reason nerds play video games.

Many nerds(experts) will play games they are good at as a way to get revenge against those who constantly pick on them or ruin their lives.

They feel good after owning an opponent so it literally boosts their egos and they don't feel so suicidal.

Jimmy got picked on at school so he had to play Starcraft to get an ego boost.

He clearly needed an ego boost, or else he wouldn't of joined a noobs game.

by proudtobenoob February 9, 2009

90👍 104👎