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evil doers

grammatically awkward reference to a gang of putative bad actors

"we will rid the world of the evil doers"

rush limbaugh's maid is an evil doer to cause him to become addicted to prescription pain killers

anyone who disagrees with glenn beck is an evil doer

by lexicali slim September 20, 2009

42👍 2👎

evil doer

George Bushs word for people who do bad things.

Those damn evil doers did it again.

by Garrett March 26, 2003

35👍 5👎

evil doer

Someone who likes to screw Evil things.

Person A: Your mother's an evil doer.
Person B: Are you making fun of my Dad?
Person A: No... <_<

by Arcy June 21, 2007

7👍 11👎