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An exoplanet (exo-planet), is an extra-solar (outside of our solar system) planet orbiting a star, other than the Sun, within our Milky Way galaxy.

The Kepler Telescope mission has discovered 4,000+ confirmed exoplanets in all, as of February 2015.

by DaleBryTheScienceGuy February 23, 2016


Any planet that navigates around a star, other than the Sun, is an exoplanet.

Many planets (over 200) have been discovered in the nineties that don't go around our Sun. They are exoplanets.

by darksongbird April 2, 2009

24👍 8👎


The planet from where EXO (a korean boyband) came from. It is also EXO's name for their first concert.

EXO-L: wow, the exoplanet must be so lucky to have EXO as its population

EXO-L: did you see that he took his shirt off at EXOPLANET in Seoul?

by A2106 May 11, 2018

2👍 2👎