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East Atlanta

An East Atlanta is a sex position in which a girl is clapped either on a balcony or banister.

I just popped me one of them one what-you-call-its
And it boosted my stamina
Now I'm fucking her on the banister
Guess I just East Atlanta'd her

by The Milkman May 30, 2019

24๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

East Atlanta

East Atlanta or "The Village" is a neighbourhood located south of Memorial Drive along Flat Shoals Road in Atlanta, Georgia. Formerly a victim of urban blight, in recent years it has transformed itself from its former existence into a trendy urban neighbourhood that is known along with Poncey-Highland as the mecca of hipsterdom for the entire Southeast. Highlights include Feed Your Head, a record store that is known for being open into the wee hours; the Sopo Bike Co-Op, where hundreds of friendly hipsters can help you fix your bike; and The Earl, a bar and concert venue with a massive mural for Pabst Blue Ribbon painted on the brick wall outside.

If I had known Radiohead was playing in town last night, I would have gone on a robbery spree in East Atlanta between 7-11pm. Could've taken a truck load of skinny jeans and vinyl records.

โ€” WeAreAllIndividuals

by fotografioj March 19, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

east atlanta brunch

getting head while a girl makes a sandwhich/bagel (burritos/gyros acceptable for mexicans/south europeans countries respectively)

Sebasitan: Dude, Kellie made me east atlanta brunch this moring if you know what I mean.

Dalton: Did you get crumbs on your belly?

Ryan: Damn.

by coca-colabuttonbritches February 5, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

East Atlanta Special

Fucking your girl on the counter. found in โ€œBothโ€ ft. Drake by Gucci Mane.

โ€œDid you get it last nightโ€

โ€œHell yeah, I gave her the East Atlanta Specialโ€

by Demarcus Cousins September 6, 2021