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1. a persian rapper who lives in mashad and made 051
2. eblis a.k.a the devil in islam

1= eblis="be tarz dagheeghi man rap kardam"
2= eblis= the fallen angel (jin)

by iraneman amir November 10, 2007

6👍 1👎


a girl who is perfect! she is flawless. a girl with black hair and brown eyes and always has a smile on her face. she brings joy to the ones around her. she is very nice and she's gorgeous. her eyelashes are always on fleek. her favorite thing to drink is starbucks. every girl wants to be her. and every guy wants to be her.

she's such an eblys

by leafs November 26, 2014



Stop raging, Eblise.

by Bllzlzlelrlqwer May 31, 2009

16👍 2👎