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eric trump

when your dad doesn't love you and ignores your existence

"hey man, how's it going?"
"dude i'm feeling very eric trump right now"
"i don't fink my daddy wuvs me"
"well in all fairness to him, i wouldn't either"

by yeeterschonderdwarf69 September 30, 2019

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Eric Trump

Eric Trump is the third eldest Trump child and the last child that Donald Trump had with Ivana Trump. Eric Trump is known for being a retarded degenerate with an IQ of 24. He is even dumber than his brother, Donald Trump Jr.

Interviewer: President Trump, what are your thoughts on Eric Trump?

Donald Trump: My son Eric, is literally retarded. I am totally ashamed to be his father.

by Queen Of Urban Dictionary May 27, 2022

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Pulling an Eric Trump

To make an egregiously untrue statement about oneself as though it were fact.

Person A: I have a 75 inch cock.
Person B: I fart actual gold.
Person C: β€œI wake up at 4:30 in the morning every single morning. I say the Pledge of Allegiance’ to my 5 year old and my 3 year old. Then I say the Lord’s Prayer, then I say 2 other family prayers. That’s how I live a clean, positive life.”

Person D: "All 3 of y'all are pulling an Eric Trump. But especially you, Person C."

by UhDoubleUpUhUh December 12, 2022