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Executive Privilege

Sweeping term for justifying activities like that of a dictatorial regime. Invoking Executive Privilege allows a once-elected leader to avoid any accountability for wrongdoing, and force appointed officials to break the law as well.

Congress: You’ve been subpoenaed to testify, regarding evidence of you feeding Vladimir Putin national intelligence materials.

Executive Branch: Nah, fuck that bruh, I invoke executive privilege. Let me golf in peace.

by ZmanIsTheMan3 September 21, 2019

Executive Privilege

Euphemism for the phrase "Fuck You!"

Issa: "Congress will supeona documents from the Justice Department."

Holder: "Um, ah, the dog ate it, I can't find it, uh...nope, not going to do it."

Issa: "We are going to vote you in Contempt of Congress"

Obama: "Executive Privilege"

by OldPhart OutIn TheDesert June 21, 2012

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