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Freedom Friday

Friday's that you don't wear underwear

"It's Freedom Friday, dude!"
"Hell yah, dude!"

*gives high five*

by BlackStilletos February 26, 2016

6👍 3👎

freedom friday

a 24-hour event in which participants must be drinking some sort of alcoholic beverage from 6 AM on a given friday until 6 AM saturday. any drink that is finished must be immediately replaced by another drink for the entirety of the 24 hours. sleeping is obviously not allowed.

(8 AM on a saturday)
john: joe you look absolutely terrible, what happened to you?
joe: (pukes in a trash can) dude me and my friends celebrated freedom friday last night, i drank 30 beers total and went to bed two hours ago

by jonniesmyth November 10, 2010

11👍 10👎