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Fuck Chris

Fuck Chris is a statement you make after celebrating even the smallest of victories. The vocal celebration of Chris' misery acts as a shield of hope surrounding all of those who summon it. Fuck Chris!

Did you hear about Trussville's most recent crime and education stats? Haha, Fuck Chris.

by fuckchrisindeed July 27, 2017

National Fuck Chris Day

November 22nd, a day where everyone gathers around to fuck Chris and his massive ass to fuck him with a smile

Branson: I can't wait to go fuck Chris tomorrow

Gavin: I know right, it'll be so nut quaking

Chris: Hey guys, I don't think national fuck Chris day is such a good idea

by Christmastonimo November 22, 2021

Jesus Titty Fucking Chris

something you yell out when something annoying, stupid happens.

Person 1: its my birthday today everyone is coming except you.
Person 2: why not?
Person 1:because i hate you
Person 2:... what did i do to you JESUS TITTY FUCKING CHRIST

by person13579 February 11, 2009

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Fuck Chris

The Fuck Chris week will start October 3 Chris can’t do anything to you because its fuck Chris week


chris: …

by ueiwskkdkekwlskdj September 4, 2023