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fake natty

Someone who uses roids and gear but still claims to be natural

Yo, Mike O’Hearn is the biggest fake natty ever!!

by AllNattyGains April 27, 2018

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fake natty

A person who claims he is natural/natty
but secretly takes steroids or other illegal drugs that enhance looks muscle mass, fat%, dryness, etc

{natty=he/she takes no steroids,ghg or any illegal drugs that enhance athletic performance or look}
{PDE drugs=performance enhancing drugs e.g. steroids}

"this instagram model claims to be a lifetime natural, but everybody knows he's a fake natty"
"look at him, he's such a fake natty he's biceps are bigger than my head!!!"

by nattybabygains August 11, 2017

fake natty activities

Someone who does sidequests such as; pulling the baddest girl at school while partying, going to the gym, working 8 hours a day etc. to a point his life seems so ridiculously nice, that you would do anything to get a taste of it.

β€œBro, have you seen brandon pulled Katie from senior year right after he got off of work? She is so bad, 10/10”

Damn. Fake natty activities bro

by Yungsomalimafia July 13, 2023

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