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fan mail

Letters or packages sent to someone who is typically famous from a fan and its not considered stalking, weird, creepy, or scary. It gives fans a chance to show how much they love that person

"Omg i love Collins Key so much"

"You should send him some fan mail"
"Good idea!"

by ILoveCollinsKey November 19, 2013

6👍 4👎

vatican fan mail


The act of defecation.

Directly synonymous to;

To dump a turd.

To Pinch a Deuce.

Used Reflexively with: Vatican Postage Stamps.

Example 1:
I am not sure if what I ate earlier is disagreeing with me or not but after that last fart I think I need to send some Vatican Fan Mail.

Example 2:
If your going to the John make sure there is plenty of Vatican Postage Stamps in there before you deliver Vatican Fan Mail.

by Fractious1 November 29, 2017

Individual fan mail

To write to each fan individually to show love and respect for the support that was given.

Individual fan mail just be patient.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd July 18, 2020