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Farting Terms

A Milestone in a new relationship were both parties male and female feel at ease when breaking wind in front of one another thus getting quite accustomed to it.

" you've been with that bird for time and your not even on Farting Terms yet, do you have to go the bathroom every time you need to rasp? "

by John Gaskell April 9, 2004

615👍 159👎

Farting Terms

Someone you feel very comfortable with.

Wow Joey, I can let one loose around you anytime. You must be really special.

by Lynne Lowe February 18, 2005

29👍 19👎

Farting terms

When you are confident enough in a friendship to fart in front of the other person without embarrassment from either party

Arran and I go way back. We're on farting terms.

by Jehannum August 27, 2015