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fat pizza

fat pizza is the funniest fucken show goin out. it is filmed in bankstown which is in sydney australia. The show is made by lebos but they arnt gay cunt lebs like most of em there sick fucken cunts.

Tommo: oi ben braz u watchin pizza 2nite
Ben: i neva miss dat show adlay

by benjohnson May 1, 2005

137👍 51👎


fully sick mate
huge burnouts
tip top stuff mate

lets go to bumkin land
tip top

by Roo September 25, 2003

14👍 8👎

fat pizza

A Tv show which was made in Sydney, Australia. Its funny and lame time to time. Its based on wogs (lebos, greeks) who deal drugs and live cheap, crap lives!

Bobo: Hallo Fat pizza's pizzas, hot and cheesy!
Guy: Ommgg Bobo can ya gimme Rocky on da fone mate? Im his long lost cuzen!
Bobo: Rocky? Nah mate! Rocky is long time fired!
Guy: Waaatt? Say wallah mate!

by mooncrater March 4, 2011

7👍 4👎

fat pizza

arguably the worst show on television, it is full of lebos talking crap and a good friend of mine named (wadsie) likes this show so i use the word (wadsie) in offence now.

Did you watch fat pizza last night cause i sure as fuck didn't!

by bEATLe_PauL June 2, 2005

12👍 151👎

Fat Daddy's Pizza

A pizza restaurant within Florida, U.S.A. ,that isn't widely known. You can use Google Maps to see for yourself as I'm not allowed to enter links.

John: Hey Tommy have you been to Fat Daddy's Pizza? Tommy: Yes!

by Ravboi January 6, 2020

fat chick pizza

Pizza that usually has fresh mozzarella, copious tomatoes, broccoli, and anything else that's healthy. It is so named because it's what fat girls order every time in an attempt to show who ever they're with that they're healthy and they should not be so fat.

(ironically this pizza will have more calories than plain)

I'll have two slices of the pesto and spinach pizza.

Ok, 2 pieces of fat chick pizza it is.

by noggerino April 29, 2011

4👍 5👎

fat cheese crust pizza

A dank pizza which is preferably from Chicago town or milanos

Let's get a fat Cheese Crust pizza

by dank lad October 25, 2015