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noun - The smell of stinky feet & socks. The smell of feet and socks after they have been in a shoe for too long, esp. if they were really sweaty. It smells like sharp cheese and a concentrated form of the smell can be found inside your toenails. It is commonly found in rooms where everyone has bare feet and the temperature is over 80 degrees.

"Dang, your socks smell like feese."
"This room is so feese."
"My feet smell like feese since I never wear socks with my shoes."

by SwagDaddy333 May 2, 2016

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Feese's law

A law discovered in Littleton Colorado that any rock kicked/thrown at/under a parked car with enough velocity will with out fail bounce up and hit some part of said car.

I wonder if i can kick this rock under that parked without hitting it

dude no, that would break feese's law

by hhhhhhhhhhhssskidonfoijafdakkl July 20, 2010

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Feesed Off

The state or condition of an artist or a performer who settles for less fees than he/she deserves. Feeling of being underpaid by your employer/organiser.

He walked out of the big banner film because he was feesed off.

He half-heartedly performed at the event, maybe because he was feesed off.

by Zubin Raval July 10, 2014


How the special among us spell faeces/feces.

Bob: "Oh darn it, I got feesees all up the wall again."
Robert: "You scruffy fuck, you splattered the ceiling too."
Bob: "Oopsies."

by MEFF February 13, 2009

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jayden feese

a person who enjoys sucking toes, especially licking heel to toe. a jayden feese also likes to dip and get mouth cancer. symptoms of being a jayden feese would be, social awkwardness, also you get rejected from school dances a lot, cancer hair cut, can’t stop sucking nicotine into your mouth, also is frequently seen with dip and a spitter.

if you are a jayden feese, you are gay.

by jaydenfeesegay March 11, 2019