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Female Engineer

Mythical Creature, often spotted by those who believe to have also seen Sasquatch. Though if this creature were to exist, it would probably suffer much verbal abuse from it's fellow classmates of the male species.

Tim : Did you hear someone said there's a female in our Engineering Program?

Fred: Haha, A Female Engineer, she'll last like umm.. two days.

by KBUR July 17, 2008

52👍 60👎

female power engineer

A women with the body o a rock hard goddess who is highly intelligent and works as hard as her counterpart, a prime specimen of the female human. Able to open a beer just by looking at it.

"look at that goddess, how did she open that beer." Oh you mean that female Power Engineer.

by Power Engineering 101 September 13, 2014

4👍 30👎