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Flaming bag of dog poop

The flaming bag of dog poop is one of the most masterful strategies ever laid out in prank warfare. The prank works as follows: poop (or shit, whatever) in a basic brown bag (the kind you may have eaten lunch out of as a kid), then put the bag on the porch of your arch nemesis, finally light the top of the bag on fire, ring the doorbell (or knock) and RUN BITCH RUN! to a pre-set hiding/viewing location. If all went as planned the victim will see the flaming bag and be all like "ahh fire!" followed by a quick stomping of the bag. With all factors included the person is about to have some very shitty shoes(booya!). Otherwise known as: The flaming bag of dog shit, the flaming shit bag, the bag o' molten shit.

Mary: Nice shoes John, they new?
John: They were 'till some kid pulled the ol' flaming bag of dog poop.

by Toxic Ninja February 6, 2007

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Flaming dog

The act of setting ones male reproductive organs on fire and having intercourse in the asshole.

“Yo a nigga had a flaming dog wit a bitch named carter last night.”

by QQQ69 August 28, 2018