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The act of doing something stupid when drunk.

"Wow, did you see that drunk kid run head first into that wall? He really pulled a friel."

by Josh05 May 4, 2006

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Todd Friel

1) Well known evangelist on the familynet with the particularity of having a personality that evokes both nausea and diarrhea all at once. He is the host of both Wretched radio and Wretched TV where he displays a high level of douchebaggery.

2) Epithet hurled at someone who displays the characteristics of Todd Friel, typically a Christian Fundementalist or a used car salesman.

(SEE douchebag, asshole, motherfucker, dickwad, creep, scumbag, shithead, bible-thumper, fundy)

- Did you see that Todd Friel? The one acting all chummy with the kids and handing out tracts?

- That preacher just went on and on about the evils of the world with that shit-eating grin. What a Todd Friel!!

by Th3_W01F January 27, 2011

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Anna Friel

An actress who was lucky enough to make the transition from British soap actress to co-starring in the hit American series 'Pushing Daisies'. From what I've seen from her she doesn't seem to offer anything special in terms of acting ability, but she's managed to get ahead by doing a nude scene in a film.

Anna FrielBrooksideEmmerdaleChuck CharlesCharlotte CharlesPushing Daisies

by ShudaGone2Specsavers June 1, 2009

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Ryan friel


ryan friel is ryan friel

by anonnnnsdgas April 13, 2010

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Colin Friels

Means: for real.
Named after the B Australian television actor.
Derived from really>for rilly>frilly>Colin Friels.

Person A: This track is trilly sick
Person B: Colin Friels

by dunk November 11, 2003

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cole friel

fat cunt

eats mcdonalds (cole friel)

by cole friel June 26, 2023


The act of being both beautiful and kind

That hot guy gave up his seat on the bus for an old lady, he's a total Friel

She's as Friel as it gets, she does charity work during the day and works as a stripper at night

by Jimmy2shoes October 27, 2022