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Friend Withdrawal

1. You miss hanging out with your friends. Can be solved by hanging out with friends more, but the more you chill, the worse withdrawal gets.

2. You move away from your friends and begin to miss them, this can only be remedied by hanging out with them.

Hey bro I just moved to arizona and i have mad friend withdrawal.

by Longboarding.is.sweet August 3, 2009

24👍 3👎

Friend Withdrawal Symptoms

If you haven't seen a friend for a period of time, you may experience lonely or lost feelings. Like when you are missing a friend you may feel upset and sad, however the "Friend Withdrawal Symptoms" cause the person to experience headaches or complete emptiness.

"I am missing my friend Ali and feel completely empty."
"I think you have Friend Withdrawal Symptoms."

by Bob is bear cool January 3, 2015

Best Friend Withdrawal Syndrome

A disease that your best friend inflicts upon you when you have not seen them for at least six months. Symptoms including crying and nagging of your best friend. The only known cure for this disease is for the affected patient to see their best friend. In severe, cases, if left untreated the disease can lead to fighting among best friends.

Dude, I haven't seen my best friend in months! I'm gonna get best friend withdrawal syndrome!

by ballet12 March 28, 2011

37👍 10👎