Source Code

from philly

Someone from a suburb of Philadelphia who tells everyone they are from Philadelphia because no one outside of Pennvilsinyva knows where their suburb is. Normally goes hand in hand with loving the Eagles, Cheesesteaks, and yelling at the people they love.

Want to come by my place? I'm from philly!

by Amy Newman Rants April 11, 2021

4👍 3👎

she took the slow train from philly

A phrase which refers to the promiscuousness of a female.

"I heard that chick has slept with a lot of dudes"
"I know. She took the slow train from Philly"

by Dash G October 28, 2007

42👍 7👎

looks like someone took the slow train from Philly

code for "check out the slut"

as stated by Angela from The Office

Mark: haha looks like someone took the slow train from Philly

Dave: oh i know, do you see that skirt?

by yeeeeebaby December 1, 2009

104👍 14👎