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frozen poop

A piece of excrement lowered to 32 degrees Fahrenheit or less

I found a piece of frozen poop in my igloo today

by Scryb Sprite February 27, 2016

Frozen poop shank

The single most horrifying weapon ever conceived by mankind. The mere mention of such a diabolical utensil is enough to send a sane man hurtling into a downward spiral of madness. The threat of a frozen poop shank is not one to be taken nor delivered lightly, for the second a man starts sharpening his shit in the freezer is the second he has nothing to lose.

Man 1 pulls out a knife and demands Man 2's wallet. Man 2 reaches into his lunchbox and pulls out a frozen poop shank and demands Man 1's wallet, and receives it.

by Derpules February 26, 2012