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fuck a bitch up

The act of whipping a bitch ass to sleep!

I'm about to fuck a bitch up at 5:27am because I'm now having to endure all this senseless ass music and now the boring lame ass covers.

by Dat_Nigga06 November 16, 2013

22πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Fucked Up Bitch

A wasted girl with a fucked up reputation at school, no friends, no future, and all drugged up.

Whoa, look at that fucked up bitch, I bet she starts her day with snorting some lines!

You're one fucked up Bitch!!! Nobody likes you, get the fuck out of our preppy, oh so beautiful, hypocritical, little world!!!

by idiotkabitchfukk September 9, 2007

53πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Fuck up, Bitch.

1. Used to tell a person to "shut the fuck up" and call them a bitch in simple three word phrase. This use of the word commonly includes the use of the middle finger.

2. Also used to end a conversation or when parting ways. Can be replaced with "goodbye" "see ya later" and "hasta la viesta, baby."

1. "Graham, you need to do your homework right now!"

"hey mom, guess what. Fuck up, Bitch" *flips off mom*

2. "Hey man, thanks for the ride."

"Oh it was no problem dude."

"Alright, well I'll see you later."

"Yep. Fuck up, bitch."

by just a nigga who loves titties April 22, 2010

19πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

shut the fuck up bitch

When someone tries to explain something, and has a loud voice, and you randomly shout out, "Shut the fuck up Bitch!" and make them rage.

Raid leader: Okay guys we are about to try ......


by Cretus April 11, 2017

63πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Step the fuck up bitch

Don’t take nobody’s shit, come up for yourself.

β€œShe just called me ugly”; Friend step the fuck up bitch go say something back.

by roselynvgxo February 16, 2018