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fuck dude

college age male interested in beer, boobs, and the like. Similar to a frat boy but not necessarily a member of the greek system. Begins most thoughts with "Fuck dude. . . "

Things a fuck dude would say:
- "Fuck dude, last night I was sooo drunk . . fuck dude."
- "Fuck dude I was totally going to fuck this chick, but her friend cock blocked me, and I was all 'fuck dude!'"

"Man, that apartment complex is full of fuck dudes."

by Tim Hemesath July 27, 2004

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fuck dude

a faggot that doesn't want to say his name but feels like defending his girl even though he doesn't have the balls to talk to you.

Fuck dude you're a fucking pussy suck my dick you won't even say you're fucking name some shit you care about her.
fuck dude i dont even feel like talking to you you're so full of shit.

by carl fucking hecker October 21, 2006

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What the fuck dude

a term used for making fun of a freind: also used in a situation your not in control of: used in a mob situation when a person not from the mob is trying to sway the ideology of said mob

man what the fuck were you thinking dude: hey what the fuck dude are you fuckin loco: hey buddy why are you trying to fuck with us.... i meam really what the fuck dude

by magnum the hammer mike January 14, 2009

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What the actual fuck, dude

Generally used to imply shock that the previous person has posted something either outrageously distasteful or outrageously off topic.

Someone: "I'm glad something bad happened"
Me: "What the actual fuck, dude"

by NoNoNoNoNoNoHellNo December 24, 2019

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fuck it dude

Fuck it dude- a term used by John Goodman in the big lebowski

Fuck it dude let's go bowling

by decaffeinated December 6, 2013

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Fuck yeah dude!

Something one male, usually but not necessarily in the 15-45 age group, is wont to say to another male, when they are pleased, or are affirming their choice, feelings, experience, results, or the turn of events in general. 'Fuck' being an emphasiser. Occasionally spoken accidentally to a female, which becomes more comical in effect.

""hey, buddy, do you want to go on a road trip to a magical land?"
"Fuck yeah dude!"

"It's warm and the sun is out, what a day for summer fun"
"Fuck yeah, dude!"

""Let's be buds forever"
"Fuck yeah dude!"

*fist bumps and bro-hugs for all*

by k7d3b5 July 1, 2013

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No fucking way dude.

Definition 1: When rejecting someone else's idea.
Definition 2: When someone tells you something unbelievable.


Guy: hey dude here's my plan for the house
Person: No fucking way dude. This shit too expensive!


Guy: hey dude check this out I caught it on video
Person: No fucking way dude. Did that happen?!

by allyssawashere May 9, 2022

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