Source Code

g's up

1. Makin money by hustlin

2. Respect, salutation form

3. To call a formation ( gangsta's) to stand up.. for whateva the reason

(gettin my g's up! makin grands)

(G's up my nigga)

(G's up !! gangstas get up)

by Dmยข March 18, 2008

117๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

G up

Used to describe/question an unfavourable outcome. Similar in use to horseshit.

Commonly used in Australian conversation.

Similar but not the same as G'd up, Geed up

Example 1
Boss: "We haven't hit our profit targets for this quarter. Unfortunately I am left with two options. Either accept a pay cut or, you're fired!"
Employee: "Is this a G up?"

Example 2
"I have been waiting all day for my dildo to arrive in the mail and have just been told it will arrive in another 3 days. What a fuckin G up."

by Oh hey bro! May 26, 2020

G up

G up is similair to the phrase "fire it up" It refers to becoming prepared; to bring your A game; or go balls to the wall.

As heard by Theo on MTV battle of the sexes: " Come on Robin, G up baby!"

by Max Wittler January 25, 2005

150๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

g up

a slang term used on the popular online ps2 game socom

used when inpatient people want you to "green up"

"g-ing up" or "greening up" is the action of switching your status to ready.

hey everyone g up. its not my fault you little pussies have small dicks.

by slliiimshaaddy June 28, 2004

33๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

g up

A term used commonly in London to describe the action of being snitched on by somebody, to the police. Short for Grassed On.

"Gee'd up"
"G up"

Bubba1: "I can't believe that pussy G'd you up."

Bubba2: "I'm gonna jook him when I finish my bird!"

by Liquifux August 6, 2004

28๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

g up

Short for "green up"; the act of signaling readiness to play in the lobby of the online PS2 game Socom 2.

Impatient PS2 Nerd: What the hell is taking so long? G up already!

by Jeff Foxworthy June 27, 2004

23๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

g up

The act of consuming a cocktail of illicit substances, spreading it amongst a group of friends lasting 48 hours or more.

shi man call Jason and see if he wants to come over for a mad g up, everyones doin it.

Ruffy: what did you get up to for the weekend?
Massive bo: Had a dirty big g up at my place, it was chong nezzy, aqueezy was there.

by sean n dom May 7, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž