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Garbage Ass

A piece of garbage, a worthless, useless jerk, trash.

Rod is such a garbage ass. He's a drunk who can't even get a job.

by Jilina April 17, 2007

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Garbage Ass

ADJ - A bad case of gas resulting in severe flatulence.

I can't stop farting because the fuckin' baked beans I ate made gave me some major garbage ass!

by Bobby Pizzle November 2, 2004

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garbage ass

A person that emits such foul odors in the form of flatulence, that people within 20 feet, gag, get watery eyes, and run for cover.

Hey, garbage ass! Quit farting in the work area! We're trying to get something done here!

by lwag63 January 4, 2014

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Garbage- ass

A medical illness which involves anal leakage and accompanied by a rotten smell

Yo man you got some nasty garbage ass

by Anonymous March 3, 2003

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Garbage- ass

anything lacking quality or worth , useless worthless

Shakira is a Garbage-ass hoe!

by ola February 8, 2003

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1.To be bad at everything
2.to have no friends

Kevin: oh man john got put on the team
Chunky: aw man he's a garbage-ass

by chunkyplayers September 1, 2008

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Garbage Ass Charles

when your best friend tells you that he just banged your girlfriend.

Wow kenny is a real garbage ass charles.

by Flinner FSU April 11, 2009

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