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Gateway Relationship

In gay culture: a relationship in which one partner is the other partner's first real homosexual partner, usually defined by one experienced partner and one non-experienced partner. The experienced partner usually helps the other person become okay with being homosexual and comfortable in homosexual relationships. This relationship almost always fails.

Matt: I don't know why you're with Bary.
Loyd: Because I like him.
Matt: Yeah, but it's totally a gateway relationship.
Loyd: I know, I'm setting myself up for heartbreak.

by firehotstud07 February 26, 2008

11👍 1👎

Gateway Relationship

In gay culture: a relationship in which one partner is the other partner's first real homosexual partner, usually defined by one experienced partner and one non-experienced partner. The experienced partner usually helps the other person become okay with being homosexual and comfortable in homosexual relationships. This relationship almost always fails.

John: I don't know why you're with Bary.
Loyd: Because I like him.
John: Yeah, but it's totally a gateway relationship.
Loyd: I know, I'm setting myself up for heartbreak.

by firehotstud07 December 24, 2007

8👍 4👎