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Good Enough to Fuck

"Yo dude what do you think about that girl over there...I cant tell if she is hott or not..."

"Eh idk either she is def a G.E.F. though."

by Captain Big Cock January 9, 2010

15👍 14👎


(Pronounced "Geoff") An acronym for Granola Eating Faggot/Fuck. It's used toward someone who only wears climbing/outdoor clothes and brags about climbing mountains on their spare time and how much they love overnight oats. Usually found at a climbing gym or local brewery

Hey. You hear Todd talk about his camping trip last weekend? Apparently he hiked a mountain just to find a climbing wall. What a fucking GEF

G.E.F. - Granola Eating Faggot

by Polishedturd April 12, 2024