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Ghetto Hamburger Helper

Regular Hamburger Helper prepared WITHOUT ground beef.

Craig: "Lets have this 'Beef Strogie' flaverd Hamburger Helper fo dinner tonight."

Smokie: "But we aint got no meat."

Craig: "It's all good, we'll just make Ghetto Hamburger Helper without meat. I like it better that way inteways."

by 40ozChris June 20, 2012

1👍 4👎

Ghetto hamburger helper

A better tasting hamburger helper made with boxed Mac and cheese, hamburger, and spices (salt, pepper, garlic, onion, bell peppers, and Goya seasoning)

Person a- what do u want to eat?
Person b- ... hamburger helper?
Person a- eeewww you eat that fake beef flavored crap? Nope we're eating ghetto hamburger helper. Tastes better and it's cheeper the original.

by narutoyaoi2000 November 3, 2021