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The best woman you will ever meet in your life and regret losing when she leaves you. If you leave her you will never forget her and always wish you were back with her. She is too cool for all the fools. A Gigi is hot and finer than any other and she doesn't even care because she doesn't need to rely on her looks to get by in life even though she could if she wanted to.
She is the new definition of being "in style"

That sweater is so gigi

by murphy dunbunny February 4, 2010

2580πŸ‘ 634πŸ‘Ž


absolutely perfect, a woman of the finest class, a very smart, caring, loving person. you don’t wanna lose her cause she’s just so perfect you can not replace a gigi.

β€œi love her she’s so gigi”

by hoodie melo from 3 July 19, 2019


Coolest bitch you will ever meet. Super Hot. Terrific singer and dancer. Just don't get on her bad side or you will never come out of the shadows. Gigi always knows everything from someone who has a crush to people cheating on each other. Never under estimate her or you will be surprised of what she can do.

Just met a girl yesterday, man was she hot. But I feel like she suits you better.
Really? Hot girl? Why me?
She was definitely finesse but she ain't no Gigi.

by pradabae January 14, 2017

148πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


hardworking, fun-loving, organized individual

That Gigi keeps a clean desk!!

by anonymous January 6, 2004

879πŸ‘ 366πŸ‘Ž


One sexy mamma

yo wat up gigi... instead of "mami"

by gigi haha representin November 29, 2003

739πŸ‘ 357πŸ‘Ž


A bad mamma-jamma also known as a brick house who can often be heard stating how she's "got things she's got to do."

Random Guy: Did you just see that lady carrying all those Christmas decorations? She was hot!

Random Guy #2: Yeah, that must be Gigi.

by Stair Stomper November 5, 2009

493πŸ‘ 249πŸ‘Ž


Brazilian Black Man

Yo that guy is a GIGI

by Gay nigga frfr June 27, 2023