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Ginger Baker

The drummer for the 60's rock band Cream. He is concidered to be one of the greatest drummers who ever lived.

Ginger Baker is a simply incredible drummer!

by John Underwood May 19, 2005

80👍 6👎

Ginger Baker

Typically a ginger of the he/they spectrum, Very on edge and uneasy. This is mainly due to homosexual tendencies, Loves to have colorado campfires with his BFF. Is into porn Typically dick on dick and also has a thick fetish for trannies, Smaller the better. If you have gay midget tranny porn then he's your man. Doesn't like to work many hours, Probably mooches off a family member (sister) and likes murdering ground hogs and other fur bearing animals with explosives. ( think caddyshack)

Guy 1: Don't be a ginger baker, Hes a homo whose nuts.
Guy 2: Yeah he likes to peg his sister with a black dildo.

by BrumDumb419 May 31, 2023

Ginger Baker

n. A baker who specializes in using ginger to flavor baked good such as biscuits, streusel, and - most notably - gingerbread.

The ginger baker cleaned his muffin tin as he watched Gilligan's Island.

by Helioseismology January 1, 2006

38👍 39👎

Ginger Baker Beatdown

A style of ass-kicking named after the Cream drummer Ginger Baker in which one does not stop thrashng at the opponent until he has been limp for at least 3 hours. The beating must be performed in as savage and ruthless a manner as possible; use of household objects is not only fair game, but encouraged when performing a Ginger Baker Beatdown.

"Dude Timmy gave his mom the worst Ginger Baker beatdown I've ever seen in my life yesterday!"

"Aw shit, man, he gave her the GB style?"

"Yeah, ol' red would have been proud."

by tommy e January 8, 2009

34👍 4👎