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Ginger Pubes

They are the cutest variation of pubes. They can be easily fashioned into a sensual red heart.

"Please don't shave your ginger pubes, honey, they're so rare that I feel like I'm fucking a Unicorn"

by Adeera May 27, 2017

79πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Ginger Pubes

Luis Henriques

There's no words for Ginger Pubes that need to be added other then the definition of the word.

by savage0.2 August 8, 2016

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Ginger Pubes

Pubescent hair with no soul. Primarily from Redheads a.k.a. Gingers

When redheads turn 13, they start to grow ginger pubes

by MahLyefAsGingerr June 21, 2011

69πŸ‘ 89πŸ‘Ž

Ginger Pubes

The pubic hair of someone with red hair. ginger pubes NEED to be shaved. Unless of course, you live in a hick town. Then that’s a gold mine. Or a...ginger mine, perhaps? ;)

He’s got ginger pubes but it’s ok. He’s a redneck, he doesn’t have to shave!

by Feeling Kinda Naughty October 5, 2019

6πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

ginger pubes

Prince Harry has ginger pubes.

Man off camera: Do you have ginger pubes?
Prince Harry: Sorry?
Man off camera: Are your pubes ginger too?
Prince Harry: Yes they are.

by Fanieee January 11, 2009

191πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

ginger pubes

The best and rarest pubic hair colour, commonly possessed by redheads but can also appear on people with other hair colours.

Highly sought-after, especially in women. Men are often fascinated and obsessed with them.

"Don't shave your ginger pubes, a ginger bush is so beautiful and rare and it really turns me on"

by littleredfox July 14, 2009

473πŸ‘ 237πŸ‘Ž

ginger pubes

is a compliment commonly used for red headed people to state the fact that their pubic region is ginger.
red headed people often proud about this and say that they are great, which is true.

sarah: alrite ginger pubes?
emma: yeah im alright. how about you?
sarah: yer alrite ... cya GINGE!

by BigusRedus February 7, 2005

296πŸ‘ 203πŸ‘Ž