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Glass Blower

An artist who has the equiptment to make things, and can form things from glass (Usually Pyrex glass)...

The glass blower who blew this meth pipe, got skillz.

by Uncle Beasley April 3, 2006

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Glass blower

When eating ass you cough into the other person's anus and blow out their eyeballs.

Morgan's wife was eating his ass and decided to do a glass blower on him and coughed into his anus thus blowing out his eyeballs.

by Milquey Toast November 3, 2020

Glass blower

A girl who wears way too much lip gloss

That girl at the club last night looked like a total glass blower

by majikmomma March 12, 2010

10👍 17👎

Glass Blower

New term beaing use by gamers to replace "N00b" The term was made up by Sony beta testers playing the JakX Combat Racing game.

You're such a Glass Blower.

by Big Naz August 22, 2005