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gold miner

Anyone who has an interest in dating East Asians

Guy 1: Dude, check them out! I just found a gold mine!
Guy 2: You're into Asian girls...?
Guy 1: Yeah man. They're hott.
Guy 2: You're such a gold miner...
Guy 3: What's wrong with Asian girls? They're the best.
Guy 2: Nothing. I'm just not attracted to them.
Guy 4: I can't believe you're not interested in Asians.
Guy 2: What the crap?! Is this a gold rush???

by Scotty Shaw March 4, 2008

15👍 6👎

gold miner

A women who beats a gold digger and steals all the money.

That girl erika is a huge gold miner, i mean i went out with her for 2 months and im dead broke.

by Daniel Puebla April 29, 2006

25👍 11👎

gold miner

Someone who mines for gold.

Guy: I mine for gold. Like, down in a gold mine. *cough*

by Rogultgot February 10, 2005

19👍 12👎

gold miner

A skank, one who jumps from relationship to relationship not caring about the last.

Thats her third boyfriend this year, shes a gold miner!

by manowar September 25, 2005

5👍 7👎

Gold Miner

similar to a woman who is a gold digger, but much more dedicated, works harder and longer and digs deeper. On a mission to find a rich guy

Suzie is a gold digger but Jane is a gold miner !!!!

by mikelarocc April 28, 2011

9👍 3👎

Gold Miner

A man who successfully gold digs off of a gold digger.

He been livin off that gold mining hoe...This nigga a Gold Miner

by BobTshit February 1, 2018

Hydraulic gold miner

A partner eats a can of corn whole , no chewing the night before having sex. During sex this partner proceeds to take a dump on their other partners chest. After taking said dump partner A then stands over partner B and pisses hard all over the turd , revealing the mother load of gold/ corn!

The hydraulic gold miner is my girlfriend favorite thing to do after eating corn at the family barbecue

by That Hiking Guy July 14, 2022