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Gore Metal

While not inherently a sub-genre, it is still a form of metal that is distinct in lyrics, goregrind , deathgrind , death metal , and some grindcore fit under this blanket term. There was also an album in 1998 called Gore Metal was released by the band Exhumed, and combines carcass inspired grind, melodic solos, and death metal into one masterful album. Bands that fall under this term are Exhumed, Haemorrhage, Carcass, Repulsion, and many MANY more.

Some fella: You ever listen to that band Cadaver?
Another fella: Yea man, they're some wicked gore metal.

by ej-elskakje-dej October 9, 2018

8👍 1👎

gore metal

Gore Metal, like Black Metal, is a branch of Death Metal. As the name sugests, it talks about gore, blood, and dismemberment of body parts. The singer often sings in a very deep growl. I personally think this music is terrible, but I have some friends who enjoy it, and just because I think it's terrible, doesn't make it so.

Cannibal Corpse
Six Feet Under

by Zubin Patel July 15, 2005

32👍 92👎