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Green Chile

A mouthwatering chile with a green pigment. It is made in the heart of New Mexico. If you get a good batch of the stuff, your mouth will ignite! It's hot, but you'll want to keep eating it because it is so good!!!

Green chile is the best chile in the world, competing with its sibling, red chile.

by ThatKidA January 3, 2015

green chile

What you say to a new mexican weed dealer when you want to be discreet.

guy: hey dude you got any more of that green chile.
Dude: hell yes but this one is even hotter than the last one.

by george January 21, 2005

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Green Chile Chode

n - A dick that's been exposed to hot green chile. Exposure may be linked to but not necessarily, hand-jobs, blow jobs immediately after eating, anal 3-12 hours after eating, etc.

After drinking all night at Albuquerque Billy's Longbar, you decide to rub up against the chubby girl in the Taco Cabana line. She smiles and invites you to her table. Back at her place, you whisper..."ever done anal?" She smiles again and grabs your junk. After stroking her pooper for a few, your dick is on fire. You scream; she apologizes. "Is your dick on fire?" "Yes!" "I ate a double meat, double cheese, and double green chile Lotaburger for dinner. I gave you green chile chode."

by vandyu97 January 10, 2010

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Green Chile Cum Dumpster

When a very young and eager "New Mexican" male witnesses snow porn for the first time at a junior classmates slightly rural farm and gets overly aroused by said porn, then decides to initiate an unsolicited circle jerk around a trash barrel in the barn next to the house. All the while, said classmates watch in horror! only one finishes…

Dude what the fuck happened last night? I thought we were having a good time until homeboy pulled out his meat pepper and dumped a load into the trashcan like it was some kind of green Chile cum dumpster!!! I'm scarred for life....

by Ricky Fitts January 26, 2019

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New Mexico green chile

The act of your partner drinking yellow Gatorade earlier that day then proceeding to poop on your chest the poop has a slight green tint resulting in the "New Mexico Green Chile"

(1)Hey man have you drank any Gatorade today?
(2)Yeah, had one this morning want a "New Mexico Green Chile?"

by Lit Loc November 4, 2021