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Green Death

Export 'A' Green cigarettes. They're the most hardcore kind, hence the green death.

"Dude, you're smoking green death. You're gonna die really soon.."

by i break the law January 24, 2007

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Green Death

Rainier Ale, a brew from Washington.

It used to come in dark green cans. Open on of those cans and the room smelled like death for a few moments. The beer inside the can definitely was an acquired taste. But it was delicious!

Waldo always took a six pack of Green Death to BYOB parties. That way, he was assured of having all six cans.

by Bumkicker Slade May 7, 2005

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Green Death

the hangover after drinking the beer "rolling rock." usually when consumed in insanely large amounts.

bro 1: dude my hangover is so bad
bro 2: you got the Green Death my friend

by bird man jr. September 8, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Green Death

Original flavored Nyquil. The green one.

Oh man I'm about to pass out,I just had a swig of the green death.

by Roach28 February 9, 2008

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Green Death

A mixed drink, composed of a 1:1 mix of Jagermeister and 190 proof Everclear.

A typical "single" of Green Death would be 1 1/2 oz of Jagermeister and 1 1/2 oz of Everclear, for a stiffer Jager experience.

by mike8989us1 December 17, 2008

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green death

Canadian KFC coleslaw.

It comes in a uniform green colour that you will never find in nature. Even the unknown 'fluid' at the bottom of the container is the same green colour.

Tastes damn good, though.

Gimme a 2 piece meal with the Green Death.

by Spammerman August 16, 2006

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the green death

A fat greenish blue shit that occurs when you drink a drink with tons of food coloring

I drank a litre and a half of slurpee! Damn my shit was green and blue it was fucked id say it looked like the green death

by the bitch killah May 3, 2014

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