Source Code

Green T-Shirt

What you say when you want to be inconspicous about marijuana

Hey do you have that green t-shirt still for sale?

by Ryann Guzman December 14, 2005

15👍 2👎

Green T-Shirt

A t-shirt made with regard for the future. That is, a shirt not just made with today in mind. A green t-shirt can be made using sustainable and socially good practices and it can also have messages related to “being green.”

I make a difference when I wear a green t-shirt.

by HUMANWEAR March 29, 2010

3👍 4👎

green t-shirts

Code for marijhuana. Usually spoken on telephones or in public.

"Hey man, got any green t-shirts?"

by cowsnose June 26, 2006

9👍 3👎

neon green t-shirt

Bright green tee shirts.
Church groups like to wear them so they can find each other on field trips.

Kid 1: Where's Billy?
Kid 2: I don't know, but he should be easy to find because of his neon green t-shirt.

by Stephaniiieeee March 31, 2008

6👍 1👎