Source Code


GuntPunt- When a fat female is kicked (any kind of kick-dropkick, bicycle kick, roundhouse kick) in the Gunt with great force usually by surprise. The GuntPunt can be a friendly kick to the gunt, a little tap or one that destroys your insides depending on if friend or foe GUNTPUNTs you.

For those of you who do not know what a gunt is, I'm sure you can look it up on this fabulous site urbandictionary.com but I'll inform you now. Gunt is a part of the fat females body. The little pooch, that extra roll right above her vagina(C*unt) and below her gut.

Person 1 runs up to Fat Female and surprises her by kicking her in the Gunt! Person 1 then screams "GUNTPUNT!"

If the fatty female enjoyed this, she can then scream back, "I JUST GOT GUNTPUNTED!"

Person 1 can say, "I'm a Gunt Punter"

Men can also get kicked. See term: MuntPunt.

by GuntMuffin September 4, 2009