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1. When you realise that nothing can be done about something. So you just accept things the way they are.

2. When there was a an opportunity for a better outcome than the one you're in but you're still okay with it.

3. To Brush a comment or statement of as irrelevant or rudimentary.

Guy 1:"I have a fucken hard test later. There is no way I'll be ready"
Guy 2: "Wanna hit a bong?"
Guy 1: "I should study but Hadez"

Guy 1: "She didn't want to smash but at least I got a Blowie"
Guy 2: "Hadez Bru"
Guy 1: "True not the worst"

Guy 1:"You're a cunt!"
Guy 2:"Hadez"

by Howaboutfuckyou October 22, 2018


Simple meaning : sorry

Hey dude did u bring your basketball today. Nah Hadez I forgot

by Supreme patty February 18, 2018

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A quick black guy.
Can be annoying when you get to know them, (ADHD)
Normally athletic

β€œHave you heard of that guy called Hadez?"

Yhhhhh he’s Fucking Rapid!

by Oldmen January 28, 2020

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To hate "z" (meaning cannabis)

Can also mean to hate anything, fitting in syntactically where the word hate would not.

To be in discomfort.

To be in disagreement with.

Put that shit out in my house, I hadez!

It's so cold out, I hadez.

Randy are you hadezing right now?

Landau hadez.

by Zef Lebowitz January 10, 2011

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Pulling a Hadez

Pulling a Hadez is the general act of being a complete dick for no reason other than self benefit

He's totally pulling a Hadez! He got Foxx demoted so he could take his rank!

by MemeGod69 November 22, 2016

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lost hadez

Lost hades is a type of feeling you get when you see a fat booty bitch in Mn

*sees someone with a hour glass figure

Yo I think I just felt lost hadez.

by Zaokiji July 8, 2022

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