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We're a Happy Family

An awesome song by The Ramones

We're a happy family
We're a happy family
We're a happy family
Me mom and daddy
Sitting here in queens
Eating refried beans
We're in all magazines
Gulpin' down thorazines
We ain't got no friends
Our troubles never end
No christmas cards to send
Daddy likes men
Daddy's telling lies
Baby's eating flies
Mommy's on pills
Baby's got the chills
I'm friends with the president
I'm friends with the pope
We're all making a fortune
Selling daddy's dope

by jimmithy December 21, 2003

22👍 7👎

Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Happy Hour

An anime of Jimmy Neutron being greeted by his mom, Judy Neutron who tells him that she is going to make a delicious dinner meal. Judy is shot by Hugh Neutron. Hugh requests Jimmy to do an order of pizza. Jimmy flies over to the phone, makes the call asking for pizza pie. Hugh and Neutron bond. The pizza is delivered. It flies through the house and decapitates Hugh.

Guy 1: I love Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Happy Hour because it is a great anime.
Guy 2: I was thinking more Bee Shrek Test in the House, but that Anime's pretty good too.
Guy 3: Oh shit, here come the weeaboos who cannot take jokes about their shitty anime.

by SeinfieldSpitstain September 3, 2016

10👍 1👎

Happy pappy pippy family

A family of four - two happy, rich parents, who are deeply in love and nothing can break them apart - and their children, usually a daughter, the queen bee of the class and her brother, an absolute alphamale. All members of this family are highly active on social media and very popular throughout their peers. The parents behave in the same way as their children - they befriend their kids' lackies' parents and manipulate them until they submit too.

Happy pappy pippy family FB account: "We're so happy, *a photo of kissing parents*, emoticons.
A comment under the post:
Happy pappy pippy mother: "OMG, so cool! Love yalls!!

by zucchini2 June 9, 2019

1👍 1👎

Happy family

Happy family- Ez and Aro - Aro like a Ez but Ez dont like aro- So aro very sad if Ez doesn't agree with it.

Happy family- Ez and Aro - Aro like a Ez but Ez dont like aro- So aro very sad if Ez doesn't agree with it.

by Ez and aro April 24, 2023