Source Code

Hard Copy

A variation on the radio term "copy". Indicates an emphatic agreement with or clear understanding of a received message. Most frequently used by members of the military, fire, or police departments.

"Engine 249, 256, respond to 134 Blake Street for a reported structure fire"

"Hard copy dispatch, Engine 249 responding"

by MacCallum March 10, 2009

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hard copy

A printed-on-paper version of what you see on a computer screen, used mostly in a business sense, such as with spreadsheets, forms, or invoices.

by handle187 October 31, 2003

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hard copy

If a soft copy is something held on a digital medium such as a word document then a hard copy is the print out of this.

I'm making a hard copy of this e-mail because i want to take it home.

by nigelcoldwell.co.uk October 30, 2003

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hard copy

a paper copy of a document, as opposed to one stored on a computer

by beebee October 29, 2003

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hard copy

Paper print up of an electronic document

Print me up the hard copy, Pronto!

by mike October 28, 2003

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hard copy

a document you can hold in your hands as opposed to one being saved on the computer.

The teacher wouldn't except work emailed to her. She wanted a hard copy.

by katie tran October 28, 2003

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hard copy

1. To show someone you for real and aint a bitch.
2. To beat the shit out of some one.

a. If dat nigga keep on fucking around he gonna catch me on hard copy for real
b. You see da fight last night son got hard copied

by 88fighterTS November 20, 2007

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