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Hash Oil

A sticky, honey colored goo extracted from marijuana. Hash oil is extremely high in THC, the active ingredient in cannabis. Two drops should get you about as high as a joint of home grown

I'm getting a fat can of butane and making some hash oil tonight.

by TheHose February 3, 2005

247👍 64👎

Hash Oil

Hash oil is the oil extract of hash(compressed kief). dabs

Yo I'm tryna smoke some hash oil before we go.

by dess.renaee June 17, 2016

4👍 4👎

Hash oil chronic blunt

A blunt with at least an eigth of chron and a gram of hash oil.

Me and Lee just smoked a fattie hash oil chronic blunt

by mattie bitch March 23, 2007

20👍 4👎