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Hawaiian Pizza

Hawaiian Pizza is a term applied when two things, that are normally fantastic by themselves, simply clash together and make the most amazing burst of flavor in your mouth. Pizza is great on it's own, but it is even better, with pineapple thrown on it! Most people that say they hate pineapple on pizza, are too much of pussies to even try it out.

"I use to say I liked pizza, but once I tried a Hawaiian pizza, my liking for pizza, turned into me loving it. Pizza honestly isn't the same without pineapple on it"

by xBungleBee June 30, 2018

43👍 31👎

Hawaiian Pizza

Hawaiian pizza is a term applied when two things, that are normally great by themselves, simply don't work together. Pizza is good. Pineapple is good. Together they are not.

Person 1: I love Metallica. I love Lou Reed. Why is Lulu the worst thing ever?
Person 2: I know. Lulu was total Hawaiian Pizza.

by TransomeTrav July 16, 2013

48👍 48👎

Hawaiian Pizza

The best kind of pizza.

Despite its name, it originated in Canada. Like ketchup chips and other bizarrely awesome flavour combinations, pineapple on pizza is a Canadian thing.

As a Canadian who grew up with Hawaiian pizza, I have to say it's the best thing ever. The way the pineapple mingles with the bacon is just *chef's kiss*

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian June 4, 2022

7👍 5👎

Hawaiian pizza

It's like pizza, but more pizza. If you don't like Hawaiian pizza, there is something seriously wrong with you.

"Hey man, let's go out to get some Hawaiian pizza."

"Isn't that just normal pizza?"

"Double check your closet tonight."

by Not videogamedunkey November 8, 2022

5👍 3👎