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Hayden Panettiere

A young beautiful talented actress. Has been in movies such as "Raising Helen" and "Remember the Titans" She also sings and can carry a note.

She's amazing at everything and she's on 15.

by -Anonymous December 22, 2004

552👍 223👎

Hayden Panettiere

The young and totally hot actress/singer who plays Claire Bennet on Heroes.

Hayden Panettiere is the only girl who makes my cock hard.

by realestnigga May 25, 2008

369👍 156👎

Hayden Panettiere

We'll let's just say she's nothing like a Disney Channel actress.

Let's look stuff up. Hands down Hayden is a far better dresser with a taste of a 30 year old. Whereas girls from Disney dress very skanky. Vanessa Hudgens always takes pictures with Hayden so she doesn't look bad. Well compared to her, she does, always. Hayden 1, Disney 0.

She actually started singing at a young age, can carry a note, and has won awards for songs in movies such as A Bug's Life. Today's Disney stars have no experience at singing but they do it anyway to get money and for people like girls and gays and shit to like them. Miley, Vanessa, Ashley, the Jonases, Demi, Selena, Zac? Pfft, do you see a pattern here? This just screams "marketing ploy", and their singing voices are used to kill terrorists. Hayden 2, Disney 0.

Speaking of marketing ploys, Hayden was offered a role in High School Musical. The smart decision was that she refused and did not want the burden of being a clingy attention whore, and would rather breakout as a big star when she turned an appropriate age and have a bright future ahead of her. The Disney actors either don't know how to count, or they are just spoiled brats who want everything now. In 3 years they will all go to rehab or jail or become washups. Hayden 3, Disney 0.

Hayden is also very down to earth, and puts people first over money or fame. She's also a spokeswoman for the Whaleman Foundation and once tried to stop whaling in person. She hopes to become the president of the organization when she retires. Disney? Pfft. Name one time they really went out of their way to help people. That Miley New Year's party was just a set up by MTV to get ratings. And the Jonases get paid for sponsoring the Salvation Army. So yeah name one time...I thought so. Hayden 4, Disney 0.

It's ironic to see that one 19 year old woman beats all of the Disney Channel (ages 14 - 23) in prestige, personality, and reputation. Plus she's hot!

Vanessa Hudgens: HAYDEN! How have you been?! Like, my black slutty whore costume is gonna melt any minute. Can I get a picture with you again so I won't look like shit?
Hayden Panettiere: Does it matter? (Oh god why?)

by Smart American Male January 19, 2009

195👍 85👎

Hayden Panettiere

A goddess of the creatures of the sea with an outgoing and friendly personality. She takes the form of an extremely attractive human who happens to be one of America's most successful movie actresses. She was a cheerleader during her years in school and has acted in many roles of cheerleaders in movies, but her most notable role is Claire Bennet from Heroes, where one of her unnecessary powers, regeneration, is put to use. The reason she has chosen the form of an attractive human is to draw the attention to build support to help keep alive her two groups of cohorts called the "Whales" and the "Dolphins", whether it's acting out as the spokesman for the Whaleman Foundation, making bold attempts to save fellow comrades from getting slaughtered personally, known as "Saving The World", or reaching out to her fans via the internet. Hayden is also a singer/songwriter, and her human boyfriend is Milo Ventimiglia, who also plays a character on Heroes.

Girl: My report is on Hayden Panettiere.
Boy: Who the hell's that?
Girl: Oh, she's an actress known as the "Cheerleader who wants to Save the World."
Boy: Pfft. Cheerleaders? Boring. Why not do one on Britney Spears?
Girl: ...Are you kidding me?! God I bet is laughing at you right now.

by Smart American Male June 3, 2008

263👍 138👎

Hayden Panettiere

1. Perky, bubbly, smiley blonde actress and conclusive proof that good things do come in small packages.

2. A likeable and talented performer who Tailwind Productions and NBC should never have left out of any episodes of "Heroes" (coincidence that it started to slip when Tim Kring okayed Hayden-less episodes? I don't think so).

3. Fond of older men, so presumably left cold by the boybands of the world. Also fond of tattoos, but prefers relatively unobtrusive and attractive ones to covering every square inch of skin (cf. Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox).

4. Actress given the world's most frequently misspelt surname (Panaterre, Pantierre, Pannettiere, Pantyliner etc).

Maybe I'll never get to tap that sweet ass Hayden Panettiere has, but at least she won't let Justin Bieber near it either the way Selena Gomez did.

by Cindylover1969 January 7, 2011

38👍 47👎

Hayden Panettiere

The cheerleader from Heroes who really shouldn't be singing.

Me: "Is that Hilary Duff's new song?"

Friend: "Worse, it's from Hayden Panettiere."

by Jesa_gurl. July 24, 2007

93👍 193👎

hayden panettiere

An extremely bitchy ugly as fuck man baby who thinks she knows everything there is to know in the world AND DOESN't. She has ugly little drumstick legs and thinks she is all that. HER MOVIES SUCK!!!

Kevin: "Did you see hayden panettierre in that old Disney movie."

Joe:"Wait I thought hayden panettiere was that little boy in a wig made of horse hair."

by anthropod9 May 16, 2010

64👍 190👎