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hey violet

American alternative band formed originally by 4 people.This band kinda started back when they were younger and had a different name and a different lead singer, along other music style.This Casey guy wasn't in it.Long story short, they kicked the talented lead singer out (Julia) bc they were jealous.Either that or things just didn't work out anymore.Nobody knows.

Recently a new guy joined in, becoming the new bassist and letting the actual lead singer (Rena) take the place of lead singer and abandon her bass.She looked really good playing bass but whatever.

They had a different style before but no one really liked them, so they changed drastically becoming into the same crap you listen everywhere.That crap sounds hella good though.I won't lie,their new music sounds goood.

Yes,that means they are not original anymore.But at least they are more successful.

me: hey violet sound so damn good
emo friend: you mean cherri bomb
me: nah man move forward cherri bomb doesn't exist anymore
emo friend: shit

by soymilkidk June 5, 2017