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holy family

a school where everyone is gay asf except for a couple of girls and they all are extremely fake and will drop anyone for no reason and the teachers donโ€™t do shit for bullying bc they donโ€™t care and thereโ€™s cryin going on everyday

do you go to holy family?

me: yeah why?

them: ur prob gay asf

by Happydays14 February 29, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

holy family

where the 8th grade girls eat glurt, the boys are all secretly gay, the teachers are socially awkward, and the lunch tastes like ass

someone: do you go to holy family?
someone else who go to holy family: yessssurrr
someone: ur gay asf prob

by sup lol December 24, 2019

Holy Family

a holy whore

3w vb6wty67uy6azqhjuk56shnmj

by Lauren January 19, 2004

18๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Holy Family Fair

The Holy Family Fair is where HCJCA kids meet with HFCA.They fight to the death over which catholic school is worst. Here is also a place where HCJ kids meet their girlfriends, and starve themselves for the sole purpose of seeming like a good boyfriend. It such an important place where people link up, that they undergo plastic surgery for this very special occasion.

" Oh you're going to the Holy Family Fair! We finna turn up!"
" She's bringing her squad, to the Holy Family Fair, so I'm going to bring the gang!"

by The Science King May 24, 2019

Driving like Holy Family

It means to speed over potholes.

It comes from a joke in my city about this one road that has a lot of potholes and a high speed limit. But the road is ironically the main way to get to the hospital called Holy Family. Highway to Holy Family has claimed many lives.

Officer: okay so who is responsible for this accident?

Person: Not me, that other asshole was driving like Holy Family.

by Sacredfart June 19, 2023