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holy rollered

to be dumped by someone so they can pursue their relationship with God.

Damn Ryan, you just got holy rollered!

by Geoff P March 8, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

holy roller

Generally refer to one who attends a charismatic church service. In which places a great amount of importance on the Holy Spirit.
This person tends to be a very devout Christian and during church service, maybe become influenced heavily by the Holy Spirit. Therefore consequently dropping on the floor and rolling "in the Spirit"
Hence where the term was coined, Holy Roller. Also generally is a derogatory term.

"I went to that Pentecostal church down the road, and they're just a bunch of Holy Rollers.

by Shea S November 12, 2006

412๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž

holy roller

A person that is heavily relgious, listens to contemporary christian music, and has a "holier then thou" attitude.

Jeff is a holy roller because he thinks he is better then everyone else.

by Teknomancer February 3, 2006

177๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž

holy roller

n. A devout Christian who oppresses others' beliefs under the condition that those beliefs are inconsistant with the oppressor's. See also psychotic neofacist bitch.

Gary's mom is a fucking holy roller.

by blueduck577 May 16, 2004

306๐Ÿ‘ 270๐Ÿ‘Ž

holy roller

A joint rolled out of paper torn from the Christian bible

Dude, this hotel has a free bible. Feel like a holy roller?

by twoThumbsThisGuy September 8, 2006

218๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž

holy roller

Holy Roller was a derogatory expression for the classical Pentecostals who believed in dancing for joy with the Holy Spirit. The people who made up the expression were just rumor mongers who actually believed that Pentecostals actually rolled in the floor until they got holy. Some people misspell "Pentecostal" as Pentacostal.

If he is a Jesus Believing Pentecostal, he must also be a holy roller.

by TulseyJoe November 4, 2005

91๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž

Holy Roller

Term used to describe a person or persons that claims to be a Christian and also tends to think they are the ultimate authority , and ALWAYS right, regarding all things God,Church and the Bible. "Holy Rollers" love talking about and judging other people and then acting like they are best friends when they see the person(s). Many times this is because said "Holy Roller" isn't the perfect Christian they claim to be and talking about other's will keep the focus OFF of them and their hypocrisy.

Look Mom, here comes Amy. She was a wild one in High School, but acts like a Holy Roller these days.

Uggh, that church is full of Holy Rollers. I see them drinking at the bar on Friday, and judging people that drink on Monday.

by Southern Humanist February 21, 2019

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