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home sweet home

comfortable residence, cozy home (used to express that one loves his home)

home sweet home!

by AlekDigital July 15, 2008

82👍 5👎

Home Sweet Home

When a woman flashes her breasts towards the stage at a concert. Technique made famous at Motley Crue concerts during the song Home Sweet Home.

Janelle did a Home Sweet Home during the concert last night.

by Medicfrost June 19, 2014

11👍 15👎


When you are getting down and dirty with your boo and when you're about to ejaculate; you call your parents just to say, "hello".

Ryan: "Hey, Adam! There's this chick that I met in Alabama over Spring Break last month that always tried to do the Home-Sweet-Home shit!"
Adam: "What the fuck is wrong with that bitch?"

by K-Dawgg June 18, 2014

11👍 18👎