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Cajun Dialect; A term of endearment. Also "honeychile".

Honeychile, come to momma, cher.

by Aradia March 24, 2005

165👍 33👎


Old ass country bumpkin ass black women be callin they chidrens & they kin chidrens "honeychild".

Come over here & finish yo wawddamelon honeychile.

by Willy October 8, 2003

78👍 183👎


A joint coated in honey to make it burn slower.

'bitch pass that honeychild over here!"

by Manic- N.H. December 16, 2010

21👍 57👎


1. A member of the hippy revolution of the 1960s and 1970s.
2. A member of Mr. B's geography or religion classes.

1. "He was a honeychild, but then the 80s came around..."
2. "I am a honeychild, and I've done my geo. homework. Sucks to you."

by Jerry August 20, 2004

20👍 72👎


A term used in the LGBTQ community to refer to or address a close friend or lover

Listen Honeychild, let me tell you a thing or two about life! ..... Read Honeychild! Let em know what the real tea!

by Evangelist Shere' March 7, 2023